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Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Damson or Blackberry Gin

Well hic this is for all those people who hic are 'free food' addicts (ok with the addition of the odd bottle of gin...), hic and who love a wee tipple of something extra hic special...


Damsons are small dark purple plums hic, which when eaten raw hic aren't terribly sweet like the bigger plums, and are at their best when hic stewed with some demerera sugar mmm hic mmm.

I don't have a damson tree hic yet, nor do I know anyone who has one... which is very sad.

I am going to hic have to try and buy some damsons in order to make Damson hic Gin this year I am afraid. Unless you have some spare ? !! Hic

The joy of this recipe, as well hic as any Sloe Gin recipe, is that it doesn't really require that you use expensive hic gin. Aldi or Lidl cheapo gin works great... and hic saves big time on the pennies...

You can also use this recipe to make Blackberry Gin, which is one very special drink... Instead of pricking the fruit as with the damsons, just gently squash the Blackberries in a bowl with a potato masher, just enough to release the juice. Carefully put the blackberries, and any squashed juice, into jars as in step 2, and continue as for the Damson Gin from there.

I will post my recipe for hic Sloe Gin tomorrow, as it is slightly different...

Damson Gin (or Blackberry)

1 lb Damsons
4.5 ozs white Sugar
A bottle of Gin

1. Wash the damsons and dry them carefully.

2. Prick/slice them all over with a sharp knife and pop them straight into a large glass jar (to which you have a lid that seals). Don't fill each jar to more than half way with the damsons. It would be great if you had one massive jar and they all went into 1. However, several jars is ok.

3. Add the sugar to the jar. If more than one jar, be careful to add the sugar in the near enough correct same proportions as the fruit, to ensure an even sweetness and taste.

4. Fill the jar of Damsons to about 1 inch from the top with gin. Put the lid on the jar (jars).

5. Shake the jar vigorously for a bit, then stand in a cool place, and not in direct sunlight.

6. Shake the jar well every day for the next month. Then shake every few days for 2 months after that (3 months in all).

7. After 3 months strain the Damson Gin through muslin (or a very fine sieve) into a clean sterilised bottle. Seal with a good lid.

8. Leave to mature for at least 6 months, 2 years if you want something really special.

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