These will blow your head off !!! I grew these fairly conventional chillies this year as they are so much fun...
I don't use them in cooking an awful lot, as I'm personally not a lover of extremely hot food. But they are useful now and then.
Once they are fully ripe on the plant, I pick them and dry them thoroughly. I then grind them up and store them in glass jars until needed.
Today I moved them from the polytunnel, and into my office, as it really is starting to get colder here now at night.

This is another pic of the same plant, once in my office. You can see part of the garden through the office window.

Now this is one very special plant. Like I said above, I don't really eat chillies as such, but I really adore growing them, and all sorts of other things. This is a Chocolate Habereno plant. I bought 10 seeds from a supplier I use, and only 1 germinated...
And this is it.
The chillies haven't formed yet, quite... I am waiting with baited breath ! I moved this plant today also, from the tunnel up to my office.
I can't wait.
I can't wait.
It's a Zepherine Drouhin, a very old French rose, which is totally thornless, and has a perfume which is the most beautiful smell in the world. It's a rambling rose, not really a climber, and incredibly beautiful, in the sense of true beauty...
Meabh and Oisin decided to kill my very expensive Caterpillar boots !
They get hours of endless fun chewing these...
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